In the mid 20th century most of the developing countries and third world nations have used this social responsibility theory of the press, which is associated with “the Commission of the Freedom of Press” at United States in 1949.

Source: obeyleesin/Adobe Stock
In the book “Four theories of Press” (Siebert, Peterson and Schramm) it’s been stated that “pure libertarianism is antiquated, outdated and obsolete.” That paved way for replacement of Libertarian theory with the Social responsibility theory.
Social Responsibility Theory
Social responsibility theory allows free press without any censorship but at the same time the content of the press should be discussed in public panel and media should accept any obligation from public interference or professional self regulations or both.
The theory lies between both authoritarian theory and libertarian theory because it gives total media freedom in one hand but the external controls in other hand. Here, the press ownership is private. The social responsibility theory moves beyond the simple “Objective” reporting (facts reporting) to “Interpretative” reporting (investigative reporting).
The total news is complete facts and truthful but the commission of the freedom press stated that “No longer giving facts truthfully rather than give a necessary analysed or interpretative report on facts with clear explanations”.
The theory helped in creating professionalism in media by setting up a high level of accuracy, truth, and information. The commission of press council also included some tasks based on social responsibility of media, which are as follows:
- Formulate the code of conduct for the press.
- Improve the standards of journalism.
- Safeguarding the interests of journalism and journalist.
- Criticise and make some penalty for violating the code of conduct.
The theory allows
- Everyone to say something or express their opinion about the media.
- Community opinion, Consumer action and professional ethics.
- Serious invasion of recognized private rights and vital social interests.
- Private ownership in media may give better public service unless government has to take over to assure the public to provide better media service.
- Media must take care of social responsibility and if they do not, government or other organisation will do.
Critics of Social Responsibility Theory
- Avoids the conflict situation during war or emergency by accepting the public opinion.
- Media will not play monopoly because the audience and media scholars will rise questions if media published or broadcast anything wrongly or manipulate any story.
- Media Standards will improve.
- Media will concern all class audience rather than focus on higher classes in the society.
- Media may work autonomously but certain thing is controlled by the government and other public organisation.
Social responsibility theory is the best of the normative theories. It holds the journalist responsible for all publications made. It is not enough for the journalist to be absolutely free. Certain responsibilities must be attached to such freedom. As such, he must be socially responsible to the environment within which he or she operates.
What are the solutions to those problems?
can you tell me please what are the examples of social responsibility theory?
I think this normative theory is better than other threes. Bcoz in this theory media has to publish anything before proved.
Ahm what is the different between libertarian to social respinsibility…??
Thanks, it’s very educative
What are the examples of this theory?….What is the difference between Social and libertarian theory of press?
Is it fulfilling the requirements of community journalism?
Which of the normative theory India is practising right now and why?
How can social responsibility theory is applicable in Sierra Leone?
How is this theory applicable in Sierra Leone
what are the example of social responsibility theory
Does China operate under this theory
please who propounded the theory
Social control is the best way to follow for media organizations. In fact now many countries are opting for this approach because of the balance it offers.
Which countries practice these theories and why
In Libertarian theory, press freedom is ultimate with no check of authority and the option of feedback mechanism from the audience is also absent. But in case of social responsibility theory, external checks would prevent media from putting forth manipulative stories and sensitive information which might pose a civil threat, while respecting individualism and promoting pluralism.
what are the assumption of social responsibility theory
Thanks for sharing this theory.
I’m looking at the topic: The effectiveness of Investigative Journalism in Combating Corruption in Emerging Democracies. What appropriate theories of the media can be used to support it? Thank you.
How can journalist apply social responsibility media theory in countries that have autocratic governments??
Good and helpful. Thank you so much
Adedeji Moses Olumide, you’re absolutely right
Richard— Social Responsibility Theory is perfect for your paper
As of now in my Sierra Leone, the ruling government has of recent repealed otherwise deleted the premodial criminal libel law and it has now become civil. This perilous law was persistently serving as a threat to journalist in carrying out their profession. In other words, ffreedom of expression and of the press is at work and taking an amazing journey in Sierra Leone. In particular, the country is now practicing the social responsibility theory.
The Social responsibility theory is great. It’s also very helpful to the society. Nice one.
This is really educative
Thanks very much.
Which of these normative theories does Nigeria practice and why
The Normative theory is a very efficient theory as it is fair
I think that the social responsibility theory is the best as during conflict situations,the media will have to remain neutral hence there will be less chaos
What are the functions and performance in conflict resolution in Nigeria citing recent examples
What is the best theory that can back up the topic,The role of book publishing in promoting reading culture.
I didn’t understand the logic behind critics part as avoiding a conflicting situation is good so why it is included here?
Thanks! But how is the theory applicable during conflict
please share some solutions or beneficial step to solve it.
Does this theory support the cooperation of media organization in Nigeria
I have understood now the things that were hard for me to understand, simple and clear explanations in this section were easy for me to take points. THANK YOU
With the Topic; Green Journalism and Environmental Development: A content Analysis of Environmental News Coverage in Nigerian Newspapers. What is the best Theory for it please?
How this theory make different in the community or country
What is strength and weakness
Do Nigerian journalists operate in this theory?
Perfect notes for examination
I guess the social responsibility theory Is the same thing as the libertarian theory Because the libertarian theory gives freedom to individuals to express their ideas and also the social responsibility also gives freedom to the press
May some one more question information about the social responsibility for media theory
May someone add more information on social responsibility of media theory please
What is the difference between Social and libertarian theory?