Aristotle, a great philosopher initiative the earliest mass communication model called “Aristotle’s Model of Communication”. He proposed model before 300 B.C who found the importance of audience role in communication chain in his communication model. This model is more focused on public speaking than interpersonal communication.
Aristotle Model of Communication is formed with 5 basic elements
(i) Speaker, (ii) Speech, (iii) Occasion, (iv) Audience and (v) Effect.
Aristotle advises speakers to build speech for different audience on different time (occasion) and for different effects.

Speaker plays an important role in Public speaking. The speaker must prepare his speech and analysis audience needs before he enters into the stage. His words should influence in audience mind and persuade their thoughts towards him.
Alexander gave brave speech to his soldiers in the war field to defeat Persian Empire.
Speaker – Alexander
Speech – about his invasion
Occasion – War field
Audience – Soldiers
Effect – To defeat Persia
very simple and good
please always keep me informed and up to date in relation communucation skills as well as models. I am a learning student in Lesotho (southern Africa)
can hi get some information an Aristoles Model of communication whats does aristoles Model of communication , Advantages of the communication, Disadvantages of the communication,who created the model, and Explicaation of the models , and visual of the models, and non verbal commonication . ok thank you
thanks for your advise in communication skills.
clear work!
Actually as far as Aristotle’s model of communication is concerned is very important b’se it trains people a bout the public services and develops confidence and relives fear of an individual into the public.thax
Give a detail description of Evolution of Aristotle Communication theroy ?
Well,as far as Aristotle model of communication is concerned,he put much of his emphasis on public speaking ,a speaker, speech, audience, occasion and finally the effect of the massage.I’m a student at Makerere University Kampala Uganda .
its great work like it.
It is nice reading about such innovations. We are now being de-humanised by your findings.
good work
atleast if he talked about the advantages and disadvantages it would be G
communication is vital.without it.the sender and the receiver wil nt be friend.
thank you good work
thanks alot.help me and always keep me informed as far as communication is concerned.
thnx 4 givng me dix advice
atleast he could have talked about the strength and weaknesses of
his theory.But it nice staff.
atleast he could have talked about the strength and weaknesses of
his theory.But it`s nice staff.
please indicate the contents of Aristotle’s model of communication. or kindly send me his contents specially the elements. tnx!
Good work.what about the merits and demerits, and its evolution? keep me informed.thnks
GOOD WORK.How about the merits, demerits and evolution of the model…?
thanks…this helps
thanks for sharing a bit knowledge about communication 🙂
. not useful for projects
This is called (linear communication model)
I had wanted the merits and demerits of this model of communication so that i can compare it with others
am sorry to say this, “am not impressed”
could you give me core content of this model b’coz explaination i have seen is not enough. thanx,
this is mainly for public speakers what about pros and cons?
more details please and images too…
you give me a good content about this mode,but try to put more and more materials.THANTS for good information.
what are the comparison btn the aristotle and berlo’s mode of communication
can i get the importance and criticism of this model?
very concrete model and understandable
thanks for good explanartion but i couldn’t understand
Tell me more about Communication inventory and evaluation of principal’s skills in school communication
thanxx fo giving a useful information
explanartion is good but ita characterstic and disadwanteg is not mantion
I hope that they will provide more information. I’m a student in journalism and I really need to master this topic.
So clear and easy to understand but i would have loved to see you mentioning its advantages and disadvantages. Nonetheless you have helped. #University of Boswana student.
Why can’t anyone spell right on this comment thread?
It is useful for all students and teachers of communication course
its really helpful
its seems this diagram is out moded
Its a gud theory bt it lacks feedback.
It is very concrete model and and explain how communication is transfer.
Through communication we exercise:
it has two demerits first, didn’t gave emphasis on
feedback that message put what effect on audience
Second role of Medium for transfering message
not mentioned.
Over all in present scenario it is not applicable to use.
fruit full information thank you……………..@c9R!!!
i am a student at chinhoyi univesity of technology i really like this kind of work i also wish to do that