Aristotle, a great philosopher initiative the earliest mass communication model called “Aristotle’s Model of Communication”. He proposed model before 300 B.C who found the importance of audience role in communication chain in his communication model. This model is more focused on public speaking than interpersonal communication.
Aristotle Model of Communication is formed with 5 basic elements
(i) Speaker, (ii) Speech, (iii) Occasion, (iv) Audience and (v) Effect.
Aristotle advises speakers to build speech for different audience on different time (occasion) and for different effects.

Speaker plays an important role in Public speaking. The speaker must prepare his speech and analysis audience needs before he enters into the stage. His words should influence in audience mind and persuade their thoughts towards him.
Alexander gave brave speech to his soldiers in the war field to defeat Persian Empire.
Speaker – Alexander
Speech – about his invasion
Occasion – War field
Audience – Soldiers
Effect – To defeat Persia
put more information pliz aristotle
bt its gud work really appriciate it thank yu
I understand the model clearly. thx
great work, as it take into consideration effect
I’m subversively impressed by the works of Aristotle though more could have been given on the negative dimension of the model
Thanks for your clear explanation… How about merits and demerits’ of this mode
i think this is allwrong and everybody who thinks diferent needs to do more reasearvh cause Aristotle is stupid
Aristotle wrote two thousand four hundred years ago but his clear and logical insights are still foundations for communications theory, as they are in theater (another form of communication ) as well.
Besides writing on communications in the last four thousand years(!)
there has certainly been a lot of really insightful work done in the last thirty years -in fact, I was amazed when I revisited the field recently, how much insightful and useful theory and investigation HAS taken place in these last thirty years.
thanks a lot , i now understand the theory clearly
how come my communication skills lecturer only mentioned three elements of the Aristotle model of communication i.e speaker-speech-audience?
Communication simply sharing idea
thank u so much i have got more than what i needed ur the best
I want to know more about this and in hence my brain wise
well researched have been assisted a lot thank you
I want to know more about this model communication so that I can enhance my knowledge….
I like cuz it has so many information 🙂
Well understood model
I understand the models so vividly. he gave a very important and fine explanation on communication. thanks to him.
model is too biased cause its largely one way communication
The model is explained in the simplest way that anyone can be in position to understand. I like it.
its good of know about the ancient way of communication, but put most recent for us to learn better. you’ve done well. thanks
pls add more information
Thanks so much
some senses surely…tnx
there is no consideration of feedback but is a good explanation,,,kudos to him
more source
Aristotle’s theory was groundbreaking during its time; it put so much power on the speaker and little on the audience. However, later day theories are conscious of the other major elements in the communication process, such as audience effect as well as barriers to communication resulting from siurce, channel or receiver. These important components were scarecely considered in Aristotelian theory. If the theory has any drawbacks, these could be some of them.
thanks so much eish…….that was the only thing that was likely to hinder me from getting my distinction but now i know uuum…..Thanks so much
thank u
Good exposition
Thanks for your explanation
It’s a awesome explanation and detailed very understandable
You didn’t give the basic explanation
Arustotle’s communication model is sender based with four elements
The sender
The message
The receiver and
The Effect
The main function is to persuade the other party irrespective of the feedback
It dwells on the sender nit caring how the receiver receives the message.
i understand the model now but what are the limitations of this model
It’s very good and easy to understand,thanks but add more content like ways to improve this model of communication
And isn’t it STRANGE that NOBODY ever CHALLENGED Aristotle on his falsifiable assumption. He does not describe or define communicating, but sendership and listenership among human beings. No accountable science uses Classical philosophy as its bottomline… So why do professors in propaganda still do so?
Thankyou for the explanation